Shared Natural Resources Vital Instrument to Expediting Regional Integration

Addis Ababa: A Prominent advocate for the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and owner of Kings of Abay Media, Ustaz Jemal Beshir emphasized how shared natural resources, such as the Nile River, play a vital role in fostering regional integration. He highlighted Ethiopia’s engagement to create regional integration by developing its potential natural resources on the principle of mutual benefit.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, Ustaz Jemal further stated that Ethiopia’s endeavors to renewable energy development and supply to neighboring countries demonstrates its dedication to realizing integration in Africa. He emphasized that shared natural resources are vital instruments in creating economic integration.

Ethiopia has taken a prominent position in promoting equitable use of the Nile River among the nations within the basin, he said, highlighting its significant role in the establishment of the Nile Basin Cooperative Framework Agreement (CFA) signed in Entebbe, Uganda. The Nile River riparian countri
es have critical role in ensuring sustainable and equitable utilization of the waters of the river, he said.

In this regard, he cited that the entry into force of the Comprehensive Framework Agreement, which is a major breakthrough to foster cooperation among the basin’s countries. He also pointed out that the Abay, Omo, Baro, and Tekeze rivers all originate from Ethiopia and flow to neighboring nations.

In this context, the CFA is instrumental in forging cooperation among all Nile riparian states. The CFA offers numerous benefits by ensuring equitable distribution of water resources among Nile Basin countries.

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